A think tank for future questions.
Many pioneers and one conviction: The economy of the future will be qualitative.
A think tank for future questions.
Many pioneers and one conviction: The economy of the future will be qualitative.

The acoustic resemblance to the Hall of Fame is no coincidence.
The Hall of Future is the nonprofit organization dedicated to providing responsible answers from the economy to future challenges.
The founding day of this initiative, representing a new international economy with national origins, was November 9, 2023. An epochal date that underscores its claim to societal relevance.
The Hall of Future, through its members, represents a qualitative economy that assumes responsibility for the dignity of both humanity and nature. Its members are doers—pioneers who demonstrate conviction and take a stand.
The Hall of Future is a decision-making network spanning various disciplines, focused on the future of the economy. It aims to be more than just a think tank for future issues—it aspires to be an “action factory.” Everyone in society—whether a state, company, or individual—who produces, buys, or sells something is part of the economy. The economy is increasingly being called upon to shoulder greater responsibility. The most pressing future questions of humanity and our planet demand a holistic, interdisciplinary, and long-term approach to identify the right path, spark societal debates, pinpoint practical options for the economy of the future (beyond a narrow focus on quantitative perspectives), and establish solutions without delay.
For the initiators, Quality Economy describes the future of economic activity as the sum of the quality of methods and processes, as well as the attitudes and decisions of individuals.

Prof. Bernd Thomsen is a
strategic futurist economist and
the initiator of the Hall of Future.
Founder of Thomsen Group and one of
the world’s leading futurists.
He is deeply committed to qualitative
economy and democracy.
Before the 2024 U.S. election, his book
on saving democracy will be published.
In 2025, Quality Economy will be released—
a collaborativework featuring keycontributors
and practitioners offering individual insights.