The Roll of Future. Known elsewhere as the Roll of Honor.
The Roll of Future. Known elsewhere as the Roll of Honor.
Below you will find the Roll of Future, which you may know elsewhere as the “Roll of Honor” – the digital directory of personalities who have already been honored with admission to the Hall of Future. There is an individual portrait (in German) for each member, which you can access simply by clicking on the photo.
Personalities who are honored by admission to the Hall of Future represent the economy of the future. That is why there are more women represented in the Hall of Future than is often the case in company management today. Some of the personalities are retired, some are not retired, the ratio is balanced, and this also applies to the ratio between large companies and hidden champions. The Hall of Future is therefore not about representatives of specific companies or positions. The personalities are open-minded, as future-oriented as they are interested in, and convinced that the economy of the future is qualitative. They have demonstrated their will to shape it. However, the resulting diversity has common denominators: all personalities want to make a difference and want to make a valuable social contribution to shaping the economy of the future, which is characterized by a sense of responsibility for people and nature. It is not possible to apply for membership; this honor can only be awarded upon nomination.
Dr. Oliver Everling,
Managing Direcotr der Rating Evidence, Chairman of the Supervisory Board,Multi-Author.

Jan-Hendrik Goldbeck,
Managing Partner,
Goldbeck GmbH.
Prof. Bernd Thomsen is a
strategic futurist economist and
the initiator of the Hall of Future.
Founder of Thomsen Group and one of
the world’s leading futurists.
He is deeply committed to qualitative
economy and democracy.
Before the 2024 U.S. election, his book
on saving democracy will be published.
In 2025, Quality Economy will be released—
a collaborativework featuring keycontributors
and practitioners offering individual insights.